Notice to the Market

São Paulo, October 21, 2013 – Companhia Brasileira de Distribuição (“Company”) hereby informs that it has received the correspondence below in this date, from Peninsula Participações S.A., about the following points:

(i) the swap of shareholdings agreed to between Península Participações S.A. (“Península”) and Casino Guichard Perrachon (“Casino”), pursuant to the letter sent to you on September 6, 2013, was concluded on this date;
(ii) Península transferred to Casino all the 11,229,075 shares issued by Wilkes Participações S.A. held by it, in exchange for 11,229,075 preferred shares issued by the Company;
(iii) consequent to the above transaction, Península became the holder of 19,375,000 preferred shares issued by the Company.

To access the entire Notice to the Market in PDF format, click here.