Notice to the Market

São Paulo, September 9, 2013 – Companhia Brasileira de Distribuição (“Company”) hereby informs that it has received the correspondence below in this date, from Casino Guichard-Perrachon, Company’s controlling shareholder, about the following points:

i. Casino Group entered into a Swap Agreement with Abilio dos Santos Diniz, its controlled companies and related parties (“AD Group”), by which the parties agreed to swap their shareholding in two steps: (a) the immediate exchange of 8,145,925 preferred shares issued by CBD by the same amount of common shares issued by Wilkes Participações S.A. (“Wilkes”); and (b) the exchange of 11,229,075 preferred shares of CBD by by the same number of remaining common shares issued Wilkes will be implemented when the Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica approves the shares swap.
ii. By the end of the transaction, Casino Group, jointly with its controlling shareholder Rallye SA, will hold the totality of shares issued by Wilkes and will hold 4,887,819 preferred shares issued by CBD.
iii. Casino Group does not hold debentures convertible into shares issued by CBD.

To access the entire Notice to the Market in PDF format, click here.